Source code for pandas_streaming.df.dataframe_helpers

import hashlib
import struct
import warnings
import numpy
from pandas import DataFrame, Index, Series

def numpy_types():
    Returns the list of :epkg:`numpy` available types.

    :return: list of types

    return [

def hash_str(c, hash_length):
    Hashes a string.

    @param      c               value to hash
    @param      hash_length     hash_length
    @return                     string
    if isinstance(c, float):
        if numpy.isnan(c):
            return c
        raise ValueError(f"numpy.nan expected, not {c}")
    m = hashlib.sha256()
    r = m.hexdigest()
    if len(r) >= hash_length:
        return r[:hash_length]
    return r

def hash_int(c, hash_length):
    Hashes an integer into an integer.

    @param      c               value to hash
    @param      hash_length     hash_length
    @return                     int
    if isinstance(c, float):
        if numpy.isnan(c):
            return c
            raise ValueError(f"numpy.nan expected, not {c}")
        b = struct.pack("i", c)
        m = hashlib.sha256()
        r = m.hexdigest()
        if len(r) >= hash_length:
            r = r[:hash_length]
        return int(r, 16) % (10**8)

def hash_float(c, hash_length):
    Hashes a float into a float.

    @param      c               value to hash
    @param      hash_length     hash_length
    @return                     int
    if numpy.isnan(c):
        return c
        b = struct.pack("d", c)
        m = hashlib.sha256()
        r = m.hexdigest()
        if len(r) >= hash_length:
            r = r[:hash_length]
        i = int(r, 16) % (2**53)
        return float(i)

[docs] def dataframe_hash_columns(df, cols=None, hash_length=10, inplace=False): """ Hashes a set of columns in a dataframe. Keeps the same type. Skips missing values. @param df dataframe @param cols columns to hash or None for alls. @param hash_length for strings only, length of the hash @param inplace modifies inplace @return new dataframe This might be useful to anonimized data before making it public. .. exref:: :title: Hashes a set of columns in a dataframe :tag: dataframe .. runpython:: :showcode: import pandas from pandas_streaming.df import dataframe_hash_columns df = pandas.DataFrame([dict(a=1, b="e", c=5.6, ind="a1", ai=1), dict(b="f", c=5.7, ind="a2", ai=2), dict(a=4, b="g", ind="a3", ai=3), dict(a=8, b="h", c=5.9, ai=4), dict(a=16, b="i", c=6.2, ind="a5", ai=5)]) print(df) print('--------------') df2 = dataframe_hash_columns(df) print(df2) """ if cols is None: cols = list(df.columns) if not inplace: df = df.copy() def hash_intl(c): "hash int" return hash_int(c, hash_length) def hash_strl(c): "hash string" return hash_str(c, hash_length) def hash_floatl(c): "hash float" return hash_float(c, hash_length) coltype = dict(zip(df.columns, df.dtypes)) for c in cols: t = coltype[c] if t == int: # noqa: E721 df[c] = df[c].apply(hash_intl) elif t == numpy.int64: df[c] = df[c].apply(lambda x: numpy.int64(hash_intl(x))) elif t == float: # noqa: E721 df[c] = df[c].apply(hash_floatl) elif t == object: # noqa: E721 df[c] = df[c].apply(hash_strl) else: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover f"Conversion of type {t} in column '{c}' is not implemented" ) return df
[docs] def dataframe_unfold(df, col, new_col=None, sep=","): """ One column may contain concatenated values. This function splits these values and multiplies the rows for each split value. @param df dataframe @param col column with the concatenated values (strings) @param new_col new column name, if None, use default value. @param sep separator @return a new dataframe .. exref:: :title: Unfolds a column of a dataframe. :tag: dataframe .. runpython:: :showcode: import pandas import numpy from pandas_streaming.df import dataframe_unfold df = pandas.DataFrame([dict(a=1, b="e,f"), dict(a=2, b="g"), dict(a=3)]) print(df) df2 = dataframe_unfold(df, "b") print('----------') print(df2) # To fold: folded = df2.groupby('a').apply( lambda row: ','.join(row['b_unfold'].dropna()) if len(row['b_unfold'].dropna()) > 0 else numpy.nan) print('----------') print(folded) """ if new_col is None: col_name = col + "_unfold" else: col_name = new_col temp_col = "__index__" while temp_col in df.columns: temp_col += "_" rows = [] for i, v in enumerate(df[col]): if isinstance(v, str): spl = v.split(sep) for vs in spl: rows.append({col: v, col_name: vs, temp_col: i}) else: rows.append({col: v, col_name: v, temp_col: i}) df = df.copy() df[temp_col] = list(range(df.shape[0])) dfj = DataFrame(rows) res = df.merge(dfj, on=[col, temp_col]) return res.drop(temp_col, axis=1).copy()
[docs] def dataframe_shuffle(df, random_state=None): """ Shuffles a dataframe. :param df: :epkg:`pandas:DataFrame` :param random_state: seed :return: new :epkg:`pandas:DataFrame` .. exref:: :title: Shuffles the rows of a dataframe :tag: dataframe .. runpython:: :showcode: import pandas from pandas_streaming.df import dataframe_shuffle df = pandas.DataFrame([dict(a=1, b="e", c=5.6, ind="a1"), dict(a=2, b="f", c=5.7, ind="a2"), dict(a=4, b="g", c=5.8, ind="a3"), dict(a=8, b="h", c=5.9, ind="a4"), dict(a=16, b="i", c=6.2, ind="a5")]) print(df) print('----------') shuffled = dataframe_shuffle(df, random_state=0) print(shuffled) """ if random_state is not None: state = numpy.random.RandomState(random_state) permutation = state.permutation else: permutation = numpy.random.permutation ori_cols = list(df.columns) scols = set(ori_cols) no_index = df.reset_index(drop=False) keep_cols = [_ for _ in no_index.columns if _ not in scols] index = no_index.index index = permutation(index) shuffled = no_index.iloc[index, :] res = shuffled.set_index(keep_cols)[ori_cols] res.index.names = df.index.names return res
def pandas_fillna(df, by, hasna=None, suffix=None): """ Replaces the :epkg:`nan` values for something not :epkg:`nan`. Mostly used by @see fn pandas_groupby_nan. :param df: dataframe :param by: list of columns for which we need to replace nan :param hasna: None or list of columns for which we need to replace NaN :param suffix: use a prefix for the NaN value :return: list of values chosen for each column, new dataframe (new copy) """ suffix = suffix if suffix else "²nan" df = df.copy() rep = {} for c in by: if hasna is not None and c not in hasna: continue if df[c].dtype in (str, bytes, object): se = set(df[c].dropna()) val = se.pop() if isinstance(val, str): cst = suffix val = "" elif isinstance(val, bytes): cst = b"_" else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to determine a constant for type='{0}' dtype='{1}'".format( # noqa: UP030 val, df[c].dtype ) ) val += cst while val in se: val += suffix df[c].fillna(val, inplace=True) rep[c] = val else: dr = df[c].dropna() mi = abs(dr.min()) ma = abs(dr.max()) val = ma + mi if val == ma and not isinstance(val, str): val += ma + 1.0 if val <= ma: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to find a different value for column '{}' v='{}: " "min={} max={}".format(c, val, mi, ma) ) df[c].fillna(val, inplace=True) rep[c] = val return rep, df
[docs] def pandas_groupby_nan( df, by, axis=0, as_index=False, suffix=None, nanback=True, **kwargs ): """ Does a *groupby* including keeping missing values (:epkg:`nan`). :param df: dataframe :param by: column or list of columns :param axis: only 0 is allowed :param as_index: should be False :param suffix: None or a string :param nanback: put :epkg:`nan` back in the index, otherwise it leaves a replacement for :epkg:`nan`. (does not work when grouping by multiple columns) :param kwargs: other parameters sent to `groupby < generated/pandas.DataFrame.groupby.html>`_ :return: groupby results See :epkg:`groupby and missing values`. If no :epkg:`nan` is detected, the function falls back in regular :epkg:`pandas:DataFrame:groupby` which has the following behavior. .. exref:: :title: Group a dataframe by one column including nan values :tag: dataframe The regular :epkg:`pandas:dataframe:GroupBy` of a :epkg:`pandas:DataFrame` removes every :epkg:`nan` values from the index. .. runpython:: :showcode: from pandas import DataFrame data = [dict(a=2, ind="a", n=1), dict(a=2, ind="a"), dict(a=3, ind="b"), dict(a=30)] df = DataFrame(data) print(df) gr = df.groupby(["ind"]).sum() print(gr) Function @see fn pandas_groupby_nan modifies keeps them. .. runpython:: :showcode: from pandas import DataFrame from pandas_streaming.df import pandas_groupby_nan data = [dict(a=2, ind="a", n=1), dict(a=2, ind="a"), dict(a=3, ind="b"), dict(a=30)] df = DataFrame(data) gr2 = pandas_groupby_nan(df, ["ind"]).sum() print(gr2) """ if nanback and suffix is None: try: res = df.groupby(by, axis=axis, as_index=as_index, dropna=False, **kwargs) except TypeError: # old version of pandas res = None if res is not None: if suffix is None: return res res.index = Series(res.index).replace(numpy.nan, suffix) return res if axis != 0: raise NotImplementedError("axis should be 0") if as_index: raise NotImplementedError("as_index must be False") if isinstance(by, tuple): raise TypeError("by should be of list not tuple") if not isinstance(by, list): by = [by] hasna = {} for b in by: h = df[b].isnull().values.any() if h: hasna[b] = True if len(hasna) > 0: rep, df_copy = pandas_fillna(df, by, hasna, suffix=suffix) res = df_copy.groupby(by, axis=axis, as_index=as_index, **kwargs) if len(by) == 1: if not nanback: dummy = DataFrame([{"a": "a"}]) do = dummy.dtypes[0] typ = dict(zip(df.columns, df.dtypes)) if typ[by[0]] != do: warnings.warn( # pragma: no cover f"[pandas_groupby_nan] NaN value: {rep}", stacklevel=0 ) return res for b in by: fnan = rep[b] if fnan in res.grouper.groups: res.grouper.groups[numpy.nan] = res.grouper.groups[fnan] del res.grouper.groups[fnan] new_val = [ (numpy.nan if b == fnan else b) for b in res.grouper.result_index ] res.grouper.groupings[0]._group_index = Index(new_val) res.grouper.groupings[0].obj[b].replace(fnan, numpy.nan, inplace=True) if hasattr(res.grouper, "grouping"): if isinstance(res.grouper.groupings[0].grouper, numpy.ndarray): arr = numpy.array(new_val) res.grouper.groupings[0].grouper = arr if ( hasattr(res.grouper.groupings[0], "_cache") and "result_index" in res.grouper.groupings[0]._cache ): del res.grouper.groupings[0]._cache["result_index"] else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not implemented for type: {0}".format( # noqa: UP030 type(res.grouper.groupings[0].grouper) ) ) else: grouper = res.grouper._get_grouper() if isinstance(grouper, numpy.ndarray): arr = numpy.array(new_val) res.grouper.groupings[0].grouping_vector = arr if ( hasattr(res.grouper.groupings[0], "_cache") and "result_index" in res.grouper.groupings[0]._cache ): index = res.grouper.groupings[0]._cache["result_index"] if len(rep) == 1: key = list(rep.values())[0] # noqa: RUF015 new_index = numpy.array(index) for i in range(len(new_index)): if new_index[i] == key: new_index[i] = numpy.nan res.grouper.groupings[0]._cache["result_index"] = ( index.__class__(new_index) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "NaN values not implemented for multiindex." ) else: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Not implemented for type: {0}".format( # noqa: UP030 type(res.grouper.groupings[0].grouper) ) ) res.grouper._cache["result_index"] = res.grouper.groupings[ 0 ]._group_index else: if not nanback: dummy = DataFrame([{"a": "a"}]) do = dummy.dtypes[0] typ = dict(zip(df.columns, df.dtypes)) for b in by: if typ[b] != do: warnings.warn( # pragma: no cover f"[pandas_groupby_nan] NaN values: {rep}", stacklevel=0 ) break return res raise NotImplementedError( "Not yet implemented. Replacing pseudo nan values by real nan " "values is not as easy as it looks. Use nanback=False" ) # keys = list(res.grouper.groups.keys()) # didit = False # mapping = {} # for key in keys: # new_key = list(key) # mod = False # for k, b in enumerate(by): # if b not in rep: # continue # fnan = rep[b] # if key[k] == fnan: # new_key[k] = numpy.nan # mod = True # didit = True # mapping[fnan] = numpy.nan # if mod: # new_key = tuple(new_key) # mapping[key] = new_key # res.grouper.groups[new_key] = res.grouper.groups[key] # del res.grouper.groups[key] # if didit: # # this code deos not work # vnan = numpy.nan # new_index = list(mapping.get(v, v) # for v in res.grouper.result_index) # names = res.grouper.result_index.names # # index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples=new_index, names=names) # # res.grouper.result_index = index # does not work cannot set # # values for [result_index] # for k in range(len(res.grouper.groupings)): # grou = res.grouper.groupings[k] # new_val = list(mapping.get(v, v) for v in grou) # grou._group_index = Index(new_val) # b = names[k] # if b in rep: # vv = rep[b] # grou.obj[b].replace(vv, vnan, inplace=True) # if isinstance(grou.grouper, numpy.ndarray): # grou.grouper = numpy.array(new_val) # else: # raise NotImplementedError( # "Not implemented for type: {0}".format( # type(grou.grouper))) # del res.grouper._cache return res return df.groupby(by, axis=axis, **kwargs)