
This directive displays dot graph in the documentation. It relies on Graphviz.



extensions = [ ...

One example:

.. gdot::
    :format: png

    digraph foo {
        "bar" -> "baz" -> "end";

Which gives:

digraph foo {
    "bar" -> "baz" -> "end";

The output format is an image (PNG). It can be changed to use SVG but it requires viz.js to be displayed.

.. gdot::
    :format: svg

    digraph foo {
        "bar" -> "baz" -> "svg";

The graph may also be the output of a script.

.. gdot::
    :format: svg
    :script: AFTER-THIS

    print("before the graph")
    print("AFTER-THIS", """
    digraph foo {
        "bar" -> "baz" -> "script";

Finally, the tag :process: can be used to run the script in a separate process.


class sphinx_runpython.gdot.sphinx_gdot_extension.GDotDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[source]#

A gdot node displays a DOT graph. The build choose SVG for HTML format and image for other format unless it is specified.

  • format: SVG or HTML

  • script: boolean or a string to indicate than the standard output

    should only be considered after this substring

  • url: url to viz.js, only if format SVG is selected

  • process: run the script in an another process


.. gdot::

    digraph foo {
        "bar" -> "baz";

Which gives:

digraph foo {
    "bar" -> "baz";

The directive also accepts scripts producing dot graphs on the standard output. Option script must be specified. This extension loads sphinx.ext.graphviz if not added to the list of extensions:


.. gdot::
    :format: png

    digraph foo {
        "bar" -> "baz";
digraph foo {
    "bar" -> "baz";

The output can be produced by a script:

.. gdot::

        digraph foo {
            "bar" -> "baz";
digraph foo {
        "bar" -> "baz";