Source code for onnx_array_api.npx.npx_tensors

from typing import Any, Union
import numpy as np
from .._helpers import np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype
from .npx_types import DType, ElemType, ParType, TensorType
from .npx_array_api import BaseArrayApi, ArrayApiError

class JitTensor:
    Defines a value for a specific jit mode

[docs] class EagerTensor(BaseArrayApi): """ Defines a value for a specific eager mode. An eager tensor must overwrite every call to a method listed in class :class:`BaseArrayApi <onnx_array_api.npx.npx_array_api.BaseArrayApi>`. """ @classmethod def __class_getitem__(cls, tensor_type: type): """ Returns tensor_type. """ if not issubclass(tensor_type, TensorType): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {tensor_type!r}.") return tensor_type def __iter__(self): """ The :epkg:`Array API` does not define this function (2022/12). This method raises an exception with a better error message. """ raise ArrayApiError( f"Iterators are not implemented in the generic case. " f"Every function using them cannot be converted into ONNX " f"(tensors - {type(self)})." ) @staticmethod def _op_impl(*inputs, method_name=None): # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var for i, x in enumerate(inputs): if not isinstance(x, Var): raise TypeError(f"Input {i} must be a Var not {type(x)}.") meth = getattr(Var, method_name) return meth(*inputs) @staticmethod def _reduce_impl(x, axes, keepdims=0, method_name=None): # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var if not isinstance(x, Var): raise TypeError(f"Input 0 must be a Var not {type(x)}.") meth = getattr(Var, method_name) return meth(x, axes, keepdims=keepdims) @staticmethod def _reduce_impl_noaxes(x, keepdims=0, method_name=None): # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var if not isinstance(x, Var): raise TypeError(f"Input 0 must be a Var not {type(x)}.") meth = getattr(Var, method_name) return meth(x, keepdims=keepdims) @staticmethod def _getitem_impl_var(obj, index, method_name=None): # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var if not isinstance(obj, Var): raise TypeError(f"obj must be a Var not {type(obj)}.") meth = getattr(Var, method_name) return meth(obj, index) @staticmethod def _astype_impl( x: TensorType[ElemType.allowed, "T1"], dtype: ParType[DType], method_name=None ) -> TensorType[ElemType.allowed, "T2"]: if dtype is None: raise ValueError("dtype cannot be None.") # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var if not isinstance(x, Var): raise TypeError(f"Input 0 must be a Var not {type(x)}.") meth = getattr(Var, "astype") # noqa: B009 return meth(x, dtype) @staticmethod def _getitem_impl_tuple(obj, index=None, method_name=None): # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var if not isinstance(obj, Var): raise TypeError(f"obj must be a Var not {type(obj)}.") meth = getattr(Var, method_name) return meth(obj, index) @staticmethod def _getitem_impl_slice(obj, index=None, method_name=None): # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var if not isinstance(obj, Var): raise TypeError(f"obj must be a Var not {type(obj)}.") meth = getattr(Var, method_name) return meth(obj, index) def _generic_method_getitem(self, method_name, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # avoids circular imports. from .npx_jit_eager import eager_onnx if len(args) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected number of argument {len(args)}, it should be one." ) if isinstance(args[0], tuple): eag = eager_onnx( EagerTensor._getitem_impl_tuple, self.__class__, bypass_eager=True ) res = eag(self, index=args[0], method_name=method_name, already_eager=True) elif isinstance(args[0], slice): eag = eager_onnx( EagerTensor._getitem_impl_slice, self.__class__, bypass_eager=True ) res = eag(self, index=args[0], method_name=method_name, already_eager=True) else: eag = eager_onnx( EagerTensor._getitem_impl_var, self.__class__, bypass_eager=True ) res = eag(self, args[0], method_name=method_name, already_eager=True) if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res def _generic_method_operator(self, method_name, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # avoids circular imports. from .npx_jit_eager import eager_onnx if len(args) not in (0, 1): raise ValueError( f"An operator must have zero or one argument not {len(args)}." ) if len(kwargs) not in (0, 1): raise ValueError(f"Operators do not support parameters {len(kwargs)}.") # let's cast numpy arrays into constants. new_args = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): t = self.__class__(a.astype(self.dtype.np_dtype)) new_args.append(t) elif isinstance(a, (int, float, bool)): new_args.append( self.__class__(np.array([a]).astype(self.dtype.np_dtype)) ) else: new_args.append(a) eag = eager_onnx(EagerTensor._op_impl, self.__class__, bypass_eager=True) res = eag(self, *new_args, method_name=method_name, already_eager=True) if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res def _generic_method_reduce(self, method_name, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # avoids circular imports. from .npx_jit_eager import eager_onnx if len(args) not in (0, 1): raise ValueError( f"An operator must have zero or one argument not {len(args)}." ) if "axis" in kwargs: axes = kwargs["axis"] del kwargs["axis"] else: axes = None if axes is None: eag = eager_onnx( EagerTensor._reduce_impl_noaxes, self.__class__, bypass_eager=True ) res = eag(self, method_name=method_name, already_eager=True, **kwargs) else: eag = eager_onnx( EagerTensor._reduce_impl, self.__class__, bypass_eager=True ) res = eag(self, axes, method_name=method_name, already_eager=True, **kwargs) if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res @staticmethod def _np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype(dtype): return np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype(dtype) def _generic_method_astype( self, method_name, dtype: Union[DType, "Var"], **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: # avoids circular imports. from .npx_jit_eager import eager_onnx from .npx_var import Var dtype = ( dtype if isinstance(dtype, (DType, Var)) else self._np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype(dtype) ) eag = eager_onnx(EagerTensor._astype_impl, self.__class__, bypass_eager=True) res = eag(self, dtype, method_name=method_name, already_eager=True, **kwargs) if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res
[docs] def generic_method(self, method_name, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ The method converts the method into an ONNX graph build by the corresponding method in class Var. """ # avoids circular imports. from .npx_var import Var if not hasattr(Var, method_name): raise AttributeError( f"Class Var does not implement method {method_name!r}. " f"This method cannot be converted into an ONNX graph." ) if method_name == "__getitem__": return self._generic_method_getitem(method_name, *args, **kwargs) if method_name == "__setitem__": return BaseArrayApi.generic_method(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs) if method_name in {"mean", "sum", "min", "max", "prod"}: return self._generic_method_reduce(method_name, *args, **kwargs) if method_name == "astype": return self._generic_method_astype(method_name, *args, **kwargs) if method_name.startswith("__") and method_name.endswith("__"): return self._generic_method_operator(method_name, *args, **kwargs) return BaseArrayApi.generic_method(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs)