Source code for onnx_array_api.npx.npx_numpy_tensors

import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
from onnx import ModelProto, TensorProto
from ..reference import ExtendedReferenceEvaluator
from .._helpers import np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype
from .npx_tensors import EagerTensor, JitTensor
from .npx_types import DType, TensorType

[docs] class NumpyTensor: """ Default backend based on :func:`onnx_array_api.reference.ExtendedReferenceEvaluator`. :param input_names: input names :param onx: onnx model """
[docs] class Evaluator: """ Wraps class :class:`onnx_array_api.reference.ExtendedReferenceEvaluator` to have a signature closer to python function. :param tensor_class: class tensor such as :class:`NumpyTensor` :param input_names: input names :param onx: onnx model :param f: unused except in error messages """ def __init__( self, tensor_class: type, input_names: List[str], onx: ModelProto, f: Callable, ): self.ref = ExtendedReferenceEvaluator(onx) self.input_names = input_names self.tensor_class = tensor_class self._f = f
[docs] def run(self, *inputs: List["NumpyTensor"]) -> List["NumpyTensor"]: """ Executes the function. :param inputs: function inputs :return: outputs """ if len(inputs) != len(self.input_names): raise ValueError( f"Expected {len(self.input_names)} inputs but got {len(inputs)}, " f"self.input_names={self.input_names}, " f"inputs={inputs}, f={self._f}." ) feeds = {} for name, inp in zip(self.input_names, inputs): if inp is None: feeds[name] = None continue if not isinstance(inp, (EagerTensor, JitTensor)): raise TypeError( f"Unexpected type {type(inp)} for input {name!r}, " f"inp={inp!r}, f={self._f}." ) feeds[name] = inp.value res =, feeds) return list(map(self.tensor_class, res))
def __init__(self, tensor: np.ndarray): if isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray): self._tensor = tensor elif isinstance(tensor, NumpyTensor): self._tensor = tensor._tensor elif isinstance( tensor, ( np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.int64, np.int32, np.int16, np.int8, np.uint64, np.uint32, np.uint16, np.uint8, np.bool_, ), ): self._tensor = np.array(tensor) else: raise TypeError(f"A numpy array is expected not {type(tensor)}.") def __repr__(self) -> str: "usual" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._tensor!r})" def __len__(self): "usual" return len(self._tensor)
[docs] def numpy(self): "Returns the array converted into a numpy array." return self._tensor
@property def dtype(self) -> DType: "Returns the element type of this tensor." return DType(np_dtype_to_tensor_dtype(self._tensor.dtype)) @property def key(self) -> Any: "Unique key for a tensor of the same type." return (self.dtype, len(self._tensor.shape)) @property def value(self) -> np.ndarray: "Returns the value of this tensor as a numpy array." return self._tensor @property def tensor_type(self) -> TensorType: "Returns the tensor type of this tensor." return TensorType[self.dtype] @property def dims(self): """ Returns the dimensions of the tensor. First dimension is the batch dimension if the tensor has more than one dimension. It is always left undefined. """ if len(self._tensor.shape) <= 1: # a scalar (len==0) or a 1D tensor return self._tensor.shape return (None, *tuple(self.shape[1:])) @property def ndim(self): "Returns the number of dimensions (rank)." return len(self.shape) @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: "Returns the shape of the tensor." return self._tensor.shape
[docs] def tensor_type_dims(self, name: str) -> TensorType: """ Returns the tensor type of this tensor. This property is used to define a key used to cache a jitted function. Same keys keys means same ONNX graph. Different keys usually means same ONNX graph but different input shapes. :param name: name of the constraint """ dt = self.dtype return TensorType[dt, self.dims, name]
[docs] @classmethod def create_function( cls: Any, input_names: List[str], onx: ModelProto, f: Callable ) -> Callable: """ Creates a python function calling the onnx backend used by this class. :param onx: onnx model :return: python function """ return cls.Evaluator(cls, input_names, onx, f=f)
[docs] @classmethod def get_opsets(cls, opsets): """ Updates the opsets for a given backend. This method should be overloaded. By default, it returns opsets. """ return opsets
[docs] @classmethod def get_ir_version(cls, ir_version): """ Updates the IR version. This method should be overloaded. By default, it returns ir_version. """ return ir_version
# The class should support whatever Var supports. # This part is not yet complete.
[docs] class EagerNumpyTensor(NumpyTensor, EagerTensor): """ Defines a value for a specific backend. """ def __array_namespace__(self, api_version: Optional[str] = None): """ Returns the module holding all the available functions. """ if api_version is None or api_version == "2022.12": from onnx_array_api.array_api import onnx_numpy return onnx_numpy raise ValueError( f"Unable to return an implementation for api_version={api_version!r}." ) def __bool__(self): "Implicit conversion to bool." if self.dtype != DType(TensorProto.BOOL): raise TypeError( f"Conversion to bool only works for bool scalar, not for {self!r}." ) if self.shape == (0,): return False if self.shape: warnings.warn( f"Conversion to bool only works for scalar, not for {self!r}, " f"bool(...)={bool(self._tensor)}.", stacklevel=0, ) try: return bool(self._tensor) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Unable to convert {self} to bool.") from e return bool(self._tensor) def __int__(self): "Implicit conversion to int." if self.shape: raise ValueError( f"Conversion to bool only works for scalar, not for {self!r}." ) if self.dtype not in { DType(TensorProto.INT64), DType(TensorProto.INT32), DType(TensorProto.INT16), DType(TensorProto.INT8), DType(TensorProto.UINT64), DType(TensorProto.UINT32), DType(TensorProto.UINT16), DType(TensorProto.UINT8), }: raise TypeError( f"Conversion to int only works for int scalar, " f"not for dtype={self.dtype}." ) return int(self._tensor) def __float__(self): "Implicit conversion to float." if self.shape: raise ValueError( f"Conversion to bool only works for scalar, not for {self!r}." ) if self.dtype not in { DType(TensorProto.FLOAT), DType(TensorProto.DOUBLE), DType(TensorProto.FLOAT16), DType(TensorProto.BFLOAT16), DType(TensorProto.COMPLEX64), DType(TensorProto.COMPLEX128), }: raise TypeError( f"Conversion to float only works for float scalar, " f"not for dtype={self.dtype}." ) return float(self._tensor) def __complex__(self): "Implicit conversion to complex." if self.shape: raise ValueError( f"Conversion to bool only works for scalar, not for {self!r}." ) if self.dtype not in { DType(TensorProto.FLOAT), DType(TensorProto.DOUBLE), DType(TensorProto.FLOAT16), DType(TensorProto.BFLOAT16), DType(TensorProto.COMPLEX64), DType(TensorProto.COMPLEX128), }: raise TypeError( f"Conversion to float only works for float scalar, " f"not for dtype={self.dtype}." ) return complex(self._tensor) def __iter__(self): """ The :epkg:`Array API` does not define this function (2022/12). This method raises an exception with a better error message. """ warnings.warn( f"Iterators are not implemented in the generic case. " f"Every function using them cannot be converted into ONNX " f"(tensors - {type(self)}).", stacklevel=0, ) for row in self._tensor: yield self.__class__(row)
[docs] class JitNumpyTensor(NumpyTensor, JitTensor): """ Defines a value for a specific backend. """